EDITORIAL: As Virginia goes … – Washington Times.
Americans want change. It is not the change towards socialism that Pres. Obama delivered, and it is not change back to the Republicans of Bush and Gingrich, which by the way, is not 180 degrees away from Obama. 180 degrees from Obama is eliminating 90 percent of federal programs and returning government to citizens and states. 180 degrees would be a repeal of the 16th and 17 amendments. 180 degrees would mean income tax collection at the state level and apportioned payments by the states to the federal government for protection of our borders. There is nothing wrong with a social safety net for those who have disabilities or need help getting on their feet. It is just that this is not the Federal government’s responsibility.
Democracies and Republics are built from the bottom up, not the top down. Top-down governments never led to happiness or general prosperity.