HomeArticlesWhy a New Election Method is Required: The Failure of Current Systems


Why a New Election Method is Required: The Failure of Current Systems — 5 Comments

  1. It is a practical matter to find and qualify candidates for public management. The modern electoral process is designed to to ensure that elected representatives have the requisite competencies, credibility, and character that would lead to good decision making and good public policies. Society is comprised of a diversity of functions and goals that have to be reconciled and balanced. On the other hand, elected officials are only as good as the people and special interest groups who put candidates into office. Our American system of government was made only for a moral and religious people ( John Adams ). Herein, lay the inner strength of the American system of governance and justice. However, this premise is counter balanced by the First Amendment that prohibits the establishment of a national religion. We are a nation of laws as opposed to rule by passions. Having said this, the kinds of fiscal mismanagement that you had mention that led to the current recession were the result of ineffective regulations, improper insider dealings and immoral decisions. As it seems, John Adams was for the most part correct in his understanding of Constitutional principles, morality and a well functioning republic. It is the superior man that understands virtue; whereas the lesser man understands only profits. In the Confucian society, teacher-scholars held a higher social status over the merchant class. It’s unlikely that a revision of the electoral processes would lead to improved conscientious behaviors and better decisions by our government leaders. The fact of the matter is that wealthy donors have excess influence on public management. Lessons can be learned from history. They erred on the side of passion, ambition and hubris. A faster approach to improving the current political system is to pull back the shroud of secrecy of wealthy donors and expose their excessive influence on government. In the past this has been the role of investigative journalism, to shed light on the dark back room dealings of wealthy patrons and publicly elected officials. A newly judicial committee ought to be created and chaired by the leaders of religious communities. In short the righteous or religious factions of society must given access to have oversight privileges to keep the political processes open to investigative scrutiny and keep elected officials honest.

    • Robert, It is human nature to respond to the people who pay you or give you power. For example, it is common for a Harvard Law student to be “politically correct” in school so he can get the best grades from his politically correct teachers then, after getting hired by a Wall Street Firm, he will exude the values of Wall Street. Unless extremely religious, people inevitably put the values of those who would bring them personal success over the values of the whole.

      In the current system, that power is given by political parties and their backers—the factions Madison so deplored. The founders wanted our representatives to be leaders who worked for the citizens, and the well-being of the states. Today our politicians tend to be mediocre puppets of the factions that write the laws the pass and speeches they read on teleprompters. What I proposed would decouple the election process from such factions by guaranteeing that they could not control the outcome of an election with money.

      Controlling the behavior of the candidate once elected is a different issue, and in my book I suggested several things that could be done to improve on that. One of them is to have representatives paid by the states that send them, rather than the present system where they have the ability to raise taxes to pay themselves, their staff, their offices, and their franked mail. Originally the founders expected the representatives would behave as “gentlemen” and serve voluntarily. If the states controlled their pay, they would be more concerned about the constituents they work for once they get into office. In my book I advocating paying Senators in a different way, but still avoiding conflicts of interest that have so infiltrated our system of government.

  2. As always, Gordon writes a thoughful and informed article.

    Just a couple of random thoughts:

    1. About Democracy (despite all its flaws, as per Plato and Aristotle): I am reminded of Churchill’d words: “A terrible system, except that all other systems are even worse.”

    2. About forms of government (words that end on -cracy): consider for instance democracy, technocracy, plutocracy, kleptocracy and meritocracy. America has become a plutocracy, some would say verging on kleptocracy (Bernie Madoff, most of the governors of Illinois, etc.).

    Gordon seems to suggest that mere European-style technocracy isn’t the answer either. Meritocracy may be the way to go, as was happening in China to some extent…

    • A true meritocracy would combine the best of the practical- material disciplines and the best of the philosophic-ethical disciplines. The US Constitution comes very close to meeting these conditions; but it has fallen short in practice. Public education, media and common knowledge have been slighted or skewed with narrow self interests. The politics of wealth, power and parasitic greed have over taken common sense. It’s an unhealthy condition found in both the Western world and China. Surprisingly, the synthesis of the Western and Chinese practice of meritocracy may very well hold the solution to the problems of modern government. History is waiting for a people and country to emerge that can blaze the trail of a true meritocracy.

    • Tom, Thanks for your comment. In this article I was reworking our republican form of democracy with a couple of tweaks on the election system that would (a) help prevent kleptocracy, and (b) include enough meritocracy that the elected officials be competent. I think you are right that China recognizes, perhaps more than the United States, that administrative competence is important to a social system.

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